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Making Home Affordable Modification Program Pros and Cons The Home Affordable Modification (HAMP) was a federal government loan modification program launched in 2009. It is a division of the Making Home Affordable Program. It is specially designed to help financially struggling homeowners avoid foreclosure. The purpose of HAMP was to encourage lenders and services to modify homeowners’ loans so that payments develop into more affordable ones. Here we will discuss “how to request a Home Affordable Modification Program“.

If you are interested in HAMP, you need to request a home affordable modification program. You can request a HAMP by going to the website of Making Home Affordable and providing the required information. Requesting process is very easy and quick. You can complete the requesting process in a few simple steps. It provides various benefits and services to its customer.

After completing the requesting process, you will be able to modify your home loan terms and conditions. With help of HAMP, you can review the government loan modification programs preceding. It provides you, eligible homeowners, the opportunity to reduce your monthly mortgage payments to more affordable levels. The program also provides a clear and consistent loan modification strategy and includes incentives for borrowers, services, and investors. So, quickly request a HAMP and receive its various benefits.

Details about Make Home Affordable

Making Home Affordable, also known as Obama mortgage, is one and only part of the Obama Administration’s broader efforts to build up the housing market. It is a program of the United States Treasury that was launched in 2009. It offered various programs but of all programs, only two programs are most important as follow: The Making Home Affordable Refinancing Program (MHAP), which helps homeowners refinance into fixed-rate loans, and HAMP, which encourages lenders to modify mortgages so homeowners will have lower monthly payments based on their incomes.


Other programs under MHA include Principal Reduction Alternative (PRA), Home Affordable Unemployment Program (UP), Second Lien Modification Program (2MP), and Home Affordable Foreclosure Alternative Program (HAFA).

Steps to Request a Home Affordable Modification at


  1. You have a computer with internet access.
  2. You must be both the owner and occupant of a one to four-unit home.
  3. Your home must meet a certain minimum market value requirement.
  4. Your first mortgage must go back to at least 1 January 2009 or earlier.
  5. You must have a monthly mortgage payment greater than 31% of your monthly pre-tax income.
  6. You must be able to document how financial hardship has made your mortgage payments unaffordable to you.

Step-By-Step Guide

  1. Visit the website at: 
  2. Then go to the drop-down menu labeled “Get Assistance,” and get on “Request a Home Affordable Modification.
  3. Complete the necessary four forms to request a modification and print out them.
  4. Collect Proof of Income and send your material to your mortgage servicer.
  5. If you have any questions, you can refer to FAQs at: 
  6. You can request a Home Affordable Modification at the official website
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