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The Federal-State Unemployment insurance provides unemployment benefits claims to suitable workers who meet the requirements of New Jersey law. Unemployment benefits are intended to provide temporary financial assistance. This is an online service provided by the Department of Labor and Workforce Development. Here we will discuss “How to file an Unemployment Claim Online”? Do you have any idea about this? If not, you need to refer to its official website at in page.

To apply for unemployment benefits, you need to visit its official website and provide personal information including your Social Security number, birth date, home address, email address (optional), and phone number. You also need information about your employment history from the last 18 months, including Names of all employers, plus addresses and phone numbers, Reasons for leaving those jobs, Work start and end dates, and Recall dates. It is very easy and convenient.

Once you complete the application, you will receive a claim confirmation and instruction form in the mail. By Unemployment benefit, you can file your weekly claim, select/change a direct deposit or debit card, check the status of your most recent payment, and view your payment history. You can also make or update your income tax withholding election, print and use this form to record all weekly job search activity, add, update, or change your address, telephone number, and email address information, etc. so, quickly file an unemployment benefits claim online and enjoy with its numbers of benefits.

How to File an Unemployment Claim Online?


  1. You have a computer with internet access.
  2. You have all of your work experience in the last 18 months happens in New Jersey.
  3. You have not worked for the federal government, worked as a maritime employee, or served in the military, in the last 18 months.
  4. You need to live in the United States of America. If you are a citizen, you need to provide your Social Security Number. If you are not, you need to provide your Alien Registration Document.
  5. You need to provide your entire previous employer’s information in the last 18 months.

Step-By-Step Guide

  1. Visit the New Jersey Unemployment Insurance Benefits Claims website at:
  2. Then get on the link marked “File or Reopen Your UI Claim“.
  3. Read the FAQs and other information shown on the screen carefully to ensure that you are eligible for the claim and get on the “File A Claim” at the bottom of the page.
  4. Confirm Unemployment Benefits Online ID and Password first, and get on the “Continue” button to proceed.
  5. If you don’t have an ID, register for an Unemployment Benefits Online ID. If you have the ID, just log in, then get on the blue button marked “Sign In“.
  6. Follow all the given instructions to complete the application.
  7. If you have any questions about Sign In and NJ unemployment claim status, please visit the Official Web Site of The State of New Jersey FAQs at:
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